Harper Lee - Collection in 2 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

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Harper Lee - Collection in 2 volumes. Gift books bound in leather.

Nell Harper Lee is an American writer, author of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.

"To Kill a Mockingbird"

is the story of a small sleepy town in the south of America, told by a little girl.

The story of her brother Jim, Dill's friend and her father - an honest, principled lawyer Atticus Finch, one of the last and best representatives of the old "southern aristocracy".

The story of the trial of a black guy accused of abusing a white girl.

But first of all, it is the history of a turning point, when xenophobia, racism, intolerance and bigotry inherent in the American South are gradually fading into the past.

The "wind of change" has just blown over America. What will he bring?..

"Go set a watchman"

Continuation of the cult novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"!

For many years, one of the greatest books of the XX century - "To Kill a Mockingbird" - was considered the only work of Harper Lee, and only recently unexpected details of the appearance of this novel have been revealed.

In fact, the writer's first book was the novel "Go set a Watchman", which takes place 20 years after the events described in "To Kill a Mockingbird". The editor of the publishing house, to whom Harper Lee turned, suggested that she write another book, expanding the main character's memories of childhood into a full-fledged novel. And it was this book called "To Kill a Mockingbird" that readers all over the world learned and loved. And the manuscript "Go set a watchman" seemed to have been lost forever.

In the novel "Go set a Watchman", an adult Scout is forced to struggle with many problems, she tries to understand her father's attitude to society and its structure, as well as to realize her true feelings towards the place where she was born and grew up. Millions of readers around the world will meet their favorite characters again, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of prejudice and claustrophobia of the small town so brilliantly described by Harper Lee.

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