Jim Garrison is a Beast that God forgot to invent. A gift book in a leather cover

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Jim Garrison is a Beast that God forgot to invent. A gift book in a leather cover.

From the classic of modern American literature Jim Garrison, famous for the monumental "Legends of Autumn" (the basis of the film of the same name!), there are three stories about eternal passions and about the beast in man. In this collection, an Indian from Michigan wanders around Los Angeles in search of a bearskin stolen from him and gets drunk with screenwriters and starlets, the author of three dozen stamped biographies ("biosondes") invites his ex-wife, a friend of his violent youth, to dinner, and an elderly millionaire, having retired from civilization to a remote forest, nurtures his young, without a king in his head, an alter ego dreaming of a beast that God forgot to invent…

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