Foreign intelligence of the USSR-Degtyarev K., Kolpakidi A. Gift book bound in leather

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Foreign intelligence of the USSR-Degtyarev K., Kolpakidi A. Gift book bound in leather

There are three versions of the history of Soviet foreign intelligence: official, unofficial, and documentary. The first is created by "departmental" historians and publicists who worked or work in state security agencies, or" their own"," lured " journalists. Such a group of" creators " exists in all countries, not only in Russia. The second one is written by those who, for one reason or another, do not cooperate with the press service of the Russian foreign intelligence service and they have to rely only on their own forces in collecting the necessary information. The third one is created again by the departmental compilers of the few collections of documents on the history of the INO-PSU-SVR.

The official version of the story style is more like a heroic epic about the heroes of the "land of Russia" and their numerous victories in the "secret war", than the fundamental monographs on the history of intelligence, which are published in the West, each ...

Throughout its history, Soviet intelligence changed its name more than ten times (from the Foreign Department of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD to the First Main Directorate of the KGB and the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation), but always, at all times, remained the best in the world. Neither the CIA with its huge budget, nor the vaunted MOSSAD can't boast of so many brilliant victories on `invisible front` (here `Cambridge five`, and `Red chapel`, and the theft of nuclear technology, and the famous post-war `moles` illegals PSU - you name it), or so the bright constellation names from Artuzov, Abel and Kuznetsova to Kim Philby and Aldrich Ames. How did the Soviet Union manage to create the most effective intelligence service in the world? How was it organized? What is the secret of her phenomenal achievements and victories? This unique encyclopedia is the first complete systematized history of the foreign intelligence of the USSR and Russia, based on only recently declassified documents and equipped with a colossal reference apparatus-a biographical database of more than 500 Soviet intelligence officers.

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