Mikhail Sholokhov. Collected works in 8 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

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Mikhail Sholokhov. Collected works in 8 volumes. Gift books bound in leather.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is a Russian Soviet writer and screenwriter, journalist. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, the Stalin Prize, the Lenin Prize. Full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Colonel.


Volume 1. Quiet Don. The first book.

Volume 2. Quiet Don. Book two.

Volume 3. Quiet Don. Book three.

Volume 4. Quiet Don. Book four.

Volume 5. Raised virgin land. The first book.

Volume 6. Raised virgin land. Book two.

Volume 7. They fought for their homeland. Chapters from the novel. Stories: A mole. The shepherd. The food commissioner. Shibalkovo seed. Ilyukha. Alyosha's heart. Melon patch. The path is a path. Cheeky. Kolovert. A family man. Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. Stitch curve. Two-married. About the Donprodkom and the misadventures of the deputy Donprodkomissar comrade Ptitsyn. Resentment. A mortal enemy. A foal. Galoshes. About Kolchak, nettles and other things. A wormhole. Azure steppe. Farmhands. Someone else's blood. One language. Soft-bodied. The science of hate. The fate of man.

Volume 8. Essays. Articles. Feuilletons. Performances.

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