The Big Book of power. A handmade leather-bound book and a gift box

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The Big Book of power. A handmade leather-bound book and a gift box.

The Book of Power is a unique publication, which is a collection of three great books created by sages from different countries and eras. It includes the "Book of the ruler of the Shang region" by the Chinese official Shang Yang, "Politics" by Aristotle and "The Sovereign" by Machiavelli.

Each of these books inspired rulers to great achievements and changes, threw hundreds and thousands of people into battle, erected great powers and destroyed others. The wisdom of these books is insidious and immortal. They contain the secret of subjugating the people and increasing the power of the state, the cunning of politics and the art of force.

The Book of Power will become an indispensable assistant for those who seek wisdom and strength, as well as are determined to glorify their country and people. This deluxe edition will be a great gift for those who appreciate history and wisdom.

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28 500 руб