Library for CEO in 12 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

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Library for CEO in 12 volumes. Gift books bound in leather

Book 1. "Art of governance"
Author: Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of great Britain, XX century.
Book 2. "Profiles in courage"
Author: John Kennedy, US President of the twentieth century.
Book 3. "On the edge of the sword"
Author: Charles de Gaulle, President of France, twentieth century
Book 4. "The General theory of employment, interest and money"
Author: John Maynard Keynes, adviser to the Minister of Finance, Professor of the University of Cambridge, UK, twentieth century.
Book 5. "The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism"
Author: Max Weber, a Professor of Economics at Munich and University of Vienna, Germany, twentieth century.
Book 6. "System Of Logic"
Author: John Stuart mill, the famous economist, member of the British Parliament, of the NINETEENTH century.
Book 7. "Counsel to the speaker"
Author: mark Fabius Quintilian, Roman rhetorician (teacher of rhetoric), I C
Book 8. "Speech"
Author: Demosthenes, orator and politician, Ancient Greece, IV century BC
Book 9. "Selected speeches"
Author: Fedor Nikiforovich Plevako, Russian lawyer, the nineteenth century.
Book 10. "Treasured thoughts"
Author: Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev, the great scientist, the Russian Empire, XIX– XX centuries
Book 11. "Reflections of a genius"
Author: Leonardo da Vinci, the great artist and scientist of the sixteenth century.
Book 12. "Works"
Author: Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, a great scientist, Russian Empire, Soviet Union, twentieth century.

Books made by hand by professional craftsmen in our own production!

Back cover - made of genuine leather.

Bookend - silver.

Bleed - plated.

Embossed - gilt-and blind.


The quality and the color, design, embossing, flyleaf, and a shotgun you can choose and book individually!

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